Waterfall report - colour setup

YangyangCai shared this question 6 years ago

Hi Team,

Hope you are having a good day today.

Is it possible to change the colour to be red for negative value? Because we want to show the lost and gross clearly with different colour.



Replies (1)


Hi Nancy,

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately there's no way to accomplish this. I've previously submitted an enhancement request to called "Waterfall Charts - Ability to have bars match conditional formatting", which is described as "It would be useful to have an option to have waterfall charts bars match conditional formatting as set in the data section. Ex: values over 75M are green, values under 25M are red, etc. See attached."


But unfortunately this is not current functionality available in Yellowfin. I've added you to the client list in favor of this enhancement, however.

You can also follow this public Idea ticket for any future potential updates regarding this request: https://community.yellowfinbi.com/topic/is-there-an-option-to-change-the-color-of-the-bars-in-a-waterfall-chart, and place a vote there as that could help in getting this enhancement created.

As a note though, you've indicated you are running YF 7.2, which is no longer supported, so if this enhancement is implemented it would not be applied to 7.2 regardless.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.




Hi Mike,

Thanks for your help. If we could change backend CSS to achieve the purpose, that would be a nice workaround.

Because this function is very fundamental provided by Power BI basic charts.

We are looking forward to add this enhancement to next patch.




Hi Nancy,

While it may be possible to change the look of charts via CSS, the charts would be static and you'd need to change the CSS pretty much every time you update the report. It would be quite the pain maintenance-wise. Technically, it would be possible to achieve what you're asking by scripting a JS Chart though.

It should be noted too that you can change the color of Waterfall Charts, just not in the manner you've suggested, and what you are asking is a possibility in most other chart types; almost every other chart, in fact.

The last thing to note here is that enhancement requests are just that - requests, not a promise of future features. It is up to the dev team/management to decide which feature requests to proceed with. As previously mentioned, we'll post any potential updates in the Idea ticket I linked in my previous response, so please reference that going forward.



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