User should be able to "hard" refresh a cached report

Michael Johansen shared this idea 3 years ago
Idea Logged

When caching has been enabled at view-level (fx. 60 minutes) the report content will stay cached even if the underlying data has been updated meanwhile. For most cases that is fine and the purpose with caching. Though, in some cases it is a big problem for the user to wait until the cache has been released in case they need latest data.

For that reason I suggest the user should be able to manually "hard" refresh the cached data which should result in a new DB query and update the cached values for another 60 minutes.

That could easily be done with an integrated button at report and dashboard level.

Replies (1)


Thanks Simon

It is not cached filters I’m refering to but instead cached report. 

First time you load a report the dataset is cached and cannot be changed for the next 60 minutes even though the underlying data has changed. 

The end user should be able to reset/refresh the entire report dataset. It could be done via a standard button on report level and Dashboard level. 



Den 18. jun. 2021 kl. 03.27 skrev Yellowfin Support <>:

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