User Access Report - "inactive" or "disabled" date

Daryle Dowell shared this idea 6 years ago
Idea Logged


We are being asked to create a user access report for an upcoming security audit. Is there a field in the Yellowfin Configuration database that represents the user access active and inactive date? They want to know when we switch users from active to inactive. I tried using the profile last update field in the PERSON table but it is null for all users. Any assistance is appreciated.

Replies (6)


Hi Daryle,

I've had a good look and the active/inactive timestamp isn't specifically recorded in the Yellowfin database, the closest thing would be that when you change the active/inactive status of a user a record is created in the Event table, however, this record doesn't actually say anything about ACTIVATE or INACTIVATE, it has the EventTypeCode = REGISTRATION, and the EventCode = EDITUSER, it's got a GMTDateTime column and the EventData says:


But the problem is, if you edit anything of a user's profile (i.e. preferred language, timezone, preferred entry page etc.) you will get exactly the same type of record as the above one which I got for setting a user to be inactive, so unfortunatley it's not possible to differentiate between the different types of EDITUSER events.




Has this been changed in 8.0.X? For our purpose this would be used on computing prorated writer account fees to our clients.


Hi Benj,

Apologies for the delay here, David has moved on from Yellowfin and I have just been assigned to this ticket moving forward. Let me see if I can get some answers for you.




Hi Benj,

Looking into this, there's been no relevant changes on the Yellowfin side; it sounds like the goal is to have a date or timestamp output of the marking of a user or "active" or "inactive?" This could be grounds for a software enhancement. Would you be interested in pursuing this?




Hi Eric,

Yes. This enhancement would be of benefit to us.

It could even be as simple as adding a key-value pair string in EventData to indicate that the account has been changed from active to inactive or vice versa, we'll just parse the data ourselves.

Or having another EventType-EnventTypeCode entry in Events table

It's up to your Devs

Please keep us posted.

Kind Regards,



Hi Benjamin and Daryle,

Thanks for the additional info here. I have gone ahead and created a request to developers on your behalf to look into this functionality. I've attached this ticket to the task, and added your organizations as affected clients. Updates to the task will be provided here as they are available. I will in turn mark this as Idea Logged for now; feel welcome to reply here with further related inquiries.



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