Custom Default Numeric Chart Font

Joe Hall shared this idea 2 years ago
Idea Logged


We recently upgraded one of our clients to V9 from V7.4 however we are having a bit of trouble with the formatting of reports. Mainly the issue is with the Numeric Display, in our old version it looked like this:



In the new version it looks like this:



As you can see the font is causing clipping, I have gone through the two version comparing the setting, I have adjusted the content settings to now use Arial (Old Default) for most of the settings, additionally no one has set a different font from the default on V7.4: /8f7901479a5ecd4bb0194fd0713c3063

Would you be able to provide the exact location on where I can change to default? I have used the YF9 Change Management Document and was able to find the Numeric Display info: /0f4b7a06c49b1b820069169936aeeb37 but cant find the setting under Admin

Kind Regards,


Replies (9)


Hi Joe,

Thanks for reaching out. I'll see if I can find where this parameter is located in the backend; it may be hard-coded and not adjustable however... in which case I could make a request to add a setting for "default numeric display font" if that sounds like the ideal solution here?




HI Eric,

Thank you for getting back to me, that would be great if we could find it, it would be a handy option to have as all the clients numeric fields would need to be adjusted!




Hi Joe,

Thanks for the reply, Just to make sure these numbers look like they have been set up as text widgets on a canvas report? It feels like this should be in configuration, widgetformat.... I've not had any luck finding where the default for this is kept, I'll keep digging and look into asking someone on the dev team on your behalf. I think the real solution here though, is already logged in our platform -

Text widget default fonts should be Configurable
Does this sound like the "real" solution here? I can get you added as an affected client for tracking and additional visibility if so.




Hi Joe,

Just wanted to mention one other thing I found - this might be a custom CSS parameter you could potentially ID in the browser console and subsequently call... assistance with that type of project would be out of scope for support technically, but if you have extended services time available we could probably schedule a call about ways to potentially achieve this.




Hi Eric,

Thanks for keeping me in the loop,

In regards to clarification the report is set up to use the Numeric Display:


and shows it over an image under design:


All the reports using a Numeric Display are set up like this. This is a critical issue as the client is going live with V9 very soon. I am unsure if we have Extended Services Time I will try to find out!

Could you please add:


HI Joe,

Thanks for the reply here. Was not able to find an adjustable font value of "40" in the DB, does the dev task to make this default adjustable sound like a good way forward potentially?

I'm having some issues with images in general on the dashboard in most recent 9.7.2 release -

1. Create canvas report

2. add image to dashboard - image does not appear in Edit mode... but it's there...fd05c5c09c56ccd042bd83a489236f82....

3. Publish - image is visible on published dashboard

5fb34e2a14fd1e12b82516360506f0814. Edit - Oh No error, no image visible

So this might be tough to replicate in 9.7.2 haha... could you provide a build date of 7.4 you were upgrading from? you can find this on your <YF URL>/info.jsp page. I'd try to submit something like the following -

1. Setup numeric display report in 7.4

2. Upgrade

3. See numeric display is "clipping"

Maybe you have a lab environment or YFX / source we could use for this? Not sure if this would be a "defect" if it's in the Change management guide, but I think we should at least have the option to "fix" this, if that makes sense?

With that in mind, I'd consider possibly not enabling the new style settings in the V9 upgrade, if this is going to be a significant impact or time sensitive. Let me know if testing that is a possibility.




Hi Joe,

Just wanted to check in to see if you had a chance to review my reply at this time.




Hi Eric,

sorry for the slow reply,

We have manually started going through the reports as its an urgent issue, however I think something that would allow us to set the font in the content settings would work best for future reports being created!

Kind Regards,



Hi Joe,

Thanks for the update, sorry for the extra work but glad this will be a viable workaround here. I've gone ahead and created a developer task to look into potentially adding this functionality to a future version of the application. I've attached this ticket to the task and added your organization as an affected client for tracking purposes. Updates to the task will be provided here as they are available. I'll mark this as Idea Logged for now; feel welcome to reply here with any related inquiries.



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