Translation Problems

Gizem Hande Budak shared this problem 6 years ago

We managed to translate the file and import it. However, we have important problems with the following fields, you can find below numbered 1 and 2.

1. The language file you have sent to us does not include any code for "New Tab".

2. We translated "mi.text.logoff" code but we cannot see it on the main menu. The code stays the same.


We will appreciate your quick support.


Hande Budak

Replies (10)


For more information you can see the following image.

The fields are all translated to Turkish in the file we imported, however we cannot see translations.



---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Gizem Hande Budak <>

Date: 26 Eyl 2018 Çar, 11:59

Subject: Translation Problems

To: Mark McGuire <>

Cc: Oya Kaynar <>, Ömer Akça <>, Aycan Altınöz <>

Hi Mark,

We managed to translate the file and import it. However, we have important problems with the following fields, you can find below numbered 1 and 2.

1. The language file you have sent to us does not include any code for "New Tab".

2. We translated "mi.text.logoff" code but we cannot see it on the main menu. The code stays the same.


We will appreciate your quick support.


Hande Budak

Çözüm Danışmanı


t:0312 491 2813

m:0538 086 53 95

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Bu e-posta mesajı ve ekleri, gönderildiği kişi ya da kuruma özel ve gizlidir. Hiçbir şekilde üçüncü kişilere açıklanamaz ve yayınlanamaz. Mesajın, yetkili olmayan alıcılar tarafından kısmen veya tamamen kopyalanması, iletilmesi veya herhangi bir şekilde kullanılması ilgili mevzuat hükümleri gereğince uygun değildir. Eğer mesajın yetkili alıcısı veya yetkili alıcısına iletmekten sorumlu kişi siz değilseniz, lütfen mesajı sisteminizden siliniz ve göndereni uyarınız. İşbu elektronik postanın bilgilendirmeye yönelik olması nedeniyle firma tarafından yazılı olarak onaylanmadığı sürece Signum TTE Ltd. Şti. içerik hakkında hiçbir mesuliyet kabul etmemektedir. Mesajın içeriğinden, doğruluğundan, bütünlüğünden, güncelliğinden, iletilmesinden, alınmasından, saklanmasından, gizliliğinin korunamamasından, virüs içermesinden ve sisteminizde yaratabileceği zararlardan ve şahsi amaçlarla gönderilmiş mesajlardan Signum TTE Ltd. Şti. sorumlu tutulamaz.


Hi Gizem,

yes that's strange about the "mi.text.logoff". I checked this in the source code and I found that the Logout button in the top right-hand corner of the application and also the navigation menu Logout item (the one in your screenshot) both use that same "mi.text.logoff".

And when I tested the French translation they were both the same:


but in Turkish only the top right-hand corner button works:


I'm sorry but I don't know why this is happening and cannot suggest any workaround. And I can't raise this as a defect (yet) because the developers haven't officially implemented the Turkish translation. We will have to wait for them to do so before we can raise a defect. So because of this, I have gone ahead and raised an official enhancement request for Yellowfin to be translated into Turkish.

Regarding the "New Tab" translation, I searched in the file we sent you and found the "New Tab" entry on line 7452:


But having said that, let me say this - if you have already saved the Dashboard Tab, then to translate its name you will have to use the Content Translation utility, not the application translation file.

Also, because I have raised an enhancement request for the Turkish translation, it would be good if I could change this current Ticket into an Idea because it is only in an Idea that there exists the status of "Idea Logged" which I will need to set for this, but before I do this I will need your permission, please let me know.




Hi David,

We have problems with not only with mi.text.logoff but also the following fields. We need to solve this problem as quick as possible. I understand your logic but there may be other suggestions related with this issue.


It is important for our customers and for us to use the tool in Turkish.This is the first question coming up in the product introduction. So we volunteered for this job and we want to maintain it for all versions. I have a question about it: When the application version changes do we need to make any differences in the language file?  


Hande Budak

Çözüm Danışmanı


t:0312 491 2813

m:0538 086 53 95

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Support Queue <>, 27 Eyl 2018 Per, 07:45 tarihinde şunu yazdı:


Hi Gizem,

I tried an experiment, I edited the French translation file and substituted the Turkish translation for "mi.text.logoff", and the here is the result:


only the top right-hand corner logoff button had the Turkish translation! The one on the lower left-hand stayed with the french.

And yet, the script for that function clearly shows that "mi.text.logoff" is the correct one for us to set the value of:


So that's how I know that there is definitely something else that needs to be done by the developers for a new translation file - changing the file apparently is not enough.

The best thing to do here is for the proper job of the developers implementing the Turkish language to be done.

I will try and escalate the enhancement request for this. I will let you know how it goes.




Hi David,  

Can you give us a deadline for this task?


Hande Budak

Çözüm Danışmanı


t:0312 491 2813

m:0538 086 53 95

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Support Queue <>, 1 Eki 2018 Pzt, 09:48 tarihinde şunu yazdı:


Hi Gizem,

I've asked the head of development for a definite timeframe and am waiting for his response. Will let you know as soon as I get it.



Hi Gizem,

bad news I'm afraid, they couldn't give me a definite time frame, they are very busy at the moment with nearly all developers working on the the major release of 8.0. So all I can say is that it definitely won't be in the next few weeks, and probably not in the next month or two.





I see Yellowfin 8.0 is released. So you may give prioritization to implementing the Turkish language.

We would be very pleased if you do so.

Have a nice day,

Hande Budak

Çözüm Danışmanı


t:0312 491 2813

m:0538 086 53 95

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Support Queue <>, 8 Eki 2018 Pzt, 01:51 tarihinde şunu yazdı:


Hi Gizem,

the developers say they will definitely fix the bugs you have discovered (mi.text.logoff, mi.text.layout etc. ), however, unfortunately due to their current workload, they won't be able to officially implement the Turkish translation in time for Yellowfin 8.0, it will have to be in a later version.



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