To include Advanced Function fields in Section Summary

Gawie Herbst shared this idea 3 years ago
Idea Logged

When creating a section summary, we would also like the Advanced function fields to be included -

Here is a report with an advanced function field of 'Null to Zero' And the 'Camp Region' field added to the Sections -e19a597435d5338780e88ba5e462939a

And here we have enabled the Section Summary for the 'Camp Region' field -


However, when navigating to the design tab OR publishing the report, the Advanced function field is not included in the section summary top report.



Replies (1)


Hey Gawie,

I hope you are well!

Just to let you know, I have created this enhancement request with the development team + attached the Task ID to this ticket for tracking - I will update you here on any progress regarding this enhancement :)

Best Wishes,


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