Summary report issue

YangyangCai shared this problem 8 years ago

Hi Team,

Currently our team uses internal build 20160727 for our dahsboard upgrade. And we occur one issue regarding the summary report.

1. The advanced field does not work for summary report.

Specifically, the average performance should return 74, but now it returns 1, which is incorrect.


2. Then I tried to avoid advanced field by calculating this field manually.

In general, this performance equals to RRF * COE / 100.

But the calcuation field returns wrong value.


Could do you pelase advise us does this bug has been fixed in the recent patch? If so, our team probably will upgrade to the new patch.



Replies (3)


HI Nancy,

Thank you for getting in touch. In order to properly replicate this issue, I was wondering if you could please provide me with a little more information on how your fields and calculations are being set up?

  • For RRF and COE: are you using a decimal column and then converting to percentage (.052 - > 5.2%) or is the field already in percentage form (eg 5.2% = 5.2)?
  • Can you send me a screenshot of your calculated field for "Performance"?
  • Are you using the "Multiplication of Columns" advanced function for this?

Hopefully, with this information I will be able to narrow down where the problem lies, and find a solution that meets your needs.




Hi Nathan,

Thanks for your reply.

1. The RRF and COE is the field already in precentage form.

2. The screen shot for RRF, COE and performance is as follows:

And performance is : Efficiency Rate * Productivity.

3. Yes, you are right, we use "Multiplication of columns" advanced function for performance field.




Hi Nancy,

Thank you for the clarification. After testing the summary functionality, it appears that summaries of advanced functions will return the underlying function instead. I have attached a screenshot to demonstrate this. Unfortunately, this is still a bug in the latest release of 7.2, so I have created a defect ticket to address this (#246005).

However, as the summarys of calculated fields perform as expected, I believe that the best solution to this issue will be getting your calculated field to work. My hunch is that the error you are seeing is due to how your columns are being aggregated. Looking at your COE and RRF formulas, I would imagine the performance formula should look like this:

CASE WHEN Time Worked = 0 or Sum_S_Hrs S_hrs - Dec = 0 or Sum_S_Hrs IS NULL


ELSE (Hrs_Wrked/ Sum_S_Hrs - Dec ) * (SUM(INV_hrs)/SUM(Time Worked))


As I am still having a hard time replicating your dataset, it would be helpful if you could send me a spreadsheet with sample data, or a screenshot of the "data" tab with all of the required fields, without any formatting applied.

Thank you for bringing the advanced function summary issue to our attention, and I look forward to your response.




Hi Nancy,

I was just wondering if you have had any luck in resolving this issue? Please let me know if you have any additional questions, or if you would be okay with me closing this ticket.




Hi Nathan,

I have resolved this issue, I am happy to close this issue.

But the summary ssue is still a bug for 7.2 patch, it would be apprecaited if the developer team could fix this bug in the future.




HI Nancy,

I am glad to hear it! The development team has been working hard since the release of 7.3 to clear past defect tickets, so I will reinforce that this is a priority for you, and hopefully it will be fixed within the next few releases.

I am going to close this ticket, but if any progress is made towards resolving the defect I will be sure to let you know.



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