Sort field folders alphabetically

Josselin Granger shared this idea 3 years ago


I would love to have the "field folders" sorted alphabetically instead of random, in the view builder ("Prepare tab")

We now have a lot of them and it is very painful to find the folder we are looking for in this random list.

Replies (10)


Hi Josselin,

Can I ask which version of Yellowfin 9 you are running? In my - admittedly brief - testing, I wasn't able to get the behaviour to repeat.

There's a few possibilities as to why;

  • It's been fixed in newer versions of Yellowfin; I'm running 9.5.1.
  • It could be due to language settings and is perhaps a bug.
  • It might be down to the number of field folders.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

  • I am running 9.5.1
  • I tried to change my account settings to run YF in english and was able to repeat the same behavior
  • I'm 90% sure I always had this problem, but when I had 5 field folders that was not a big deal



Hi Josselin,

Thanks for confirming.

I was also able to rule out it not being down to the number of folders.

I have a few more questions for you,

  1. How were field folders added? Were they added in the Admin Console or within the View.
  2. What's the order like in the admin console, under Field Folders. Is it the same as that shown in the screenshot?
  3. Was this system updated or is it a fresh install?
  4. Is content translation turned on?
  5. If a new one is added via the admin console, is it added to the list at the bottom or alphabetically?

Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this and resolve it for you.

Kind regards,



Hi Cris,

Here are your answers :

1. All field folders were always added within the view : usually, I realize I'm missing a field folder when I build the view

2. In the admin console, the fields are alphabetically order

3. The first install was a 9.1 or 9.2 and updated to 9.5.1

4. Yes it is turned on, but just for the sake of Yellowfin support team who don't speak French fluently, so it is not used

5. Neither, it appears in the middle of the list



Hi Josselin,

Thanks for those answers.

Could you run the following SQL against your Yellowfin database please and let me know if there's any results other than 0 for all rows?

select screensortorder from public.orgreferencecode
WHERE refcode = 'PAGEVUE' OR refcode = 'FILIALE' OR refcode = 'DEMANDE' OR refcode = 'PAGEVUE' OR refcode = 'SESSION' OR refcode = 'ECRITURE' OR refcode = 'FORMULAIRE';

Or alternatively, run

select * from public.orgreferencecode
where reftypecode = 'FIELDCATEGORY';
and let me know if anything stands out.

There's also the weighting column in orgreferencecoderltshp, but I believe that affects the display of the folder when it's actually been added to the view.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

Here's the result of the first query :


And the second one :


You might be on to something, because most of the fieldcategories have ScreenSortOrder set to some number.

I didn't even know this feature existed. Is there a way to update it in the UI or should I just run an Update Query to zero-out the ScreeSortOrder field ?



Hi Josselin,

While it doesn't appear to be a feature in the UI, at least for the dropdown field list, it's certainly worth testing with an update query to see if that helps. Please remember to take a backup of your database first, in case you need to restore.

It may also affect the order of the field folders that have already been chosen, so please be aware of that if you apply it to all the entries that match FIELDCATEGORY.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

unfortunately this didn't solve our problem.

The query worked :


But the fields are still a mess :




Hi Josselin,

Just to question, was Yellowfin restarted in between running the query and checking the field layout?

If so I might have to see if I can get some dev input on what column in the database handles the organisation of the folders list.

Kind regards,



Hi Josselin,

Hope you're well.

Just wanted to let you know I'll be closing this request due to inactivity. However, if you ever wanted to re-visit this or have anything else I can help you with, please let me know.



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