Sort by approved status when in browser view

Lee Roquet shared this idea 7 years ago

I think it would be a good idea to be able to sort on the 'Approved Status' so you can quickly filter reports and dashboards that have been validated by the data team.

Replies (1)


Hi Lee,

I think what you're after is already possible in Yellowfin 7.4, as you have the ability to display/hide content needing approval using the 'Approval Required' flag on the browse page.


Another option which could also work is to create your categories in a way so each category acts like a filter. E.g. You can have a category called 'needs review', and then every other category would have your approved reports.

Here is an example

"Sales" Parent category

"Needs Review" Sub category . This is the only category most users can save a report into. Everything here needs content approval.

"Overview" Sub category. This only contains approved content, as users cannot save directly here.

"Detailed" Sub category. This only contains approved content, as users cannot save directly here.

Hope this helps!



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