Show Warning in View when trying to Remove Used Fields (Clone Mode)

Vefa Gulecyuz shared this idea 4 years ago
Idea Logged


As it stands, when editing a view via 'edit' you cannot remove a field that is currently being used in reports.

In 'clone' mode, you can remove these used fields with no warning. Upon saving the 'cloned' view, this will then overwrite the original View, which will break reports, dashboards...etc

The idea here is to display a warning message, if the field attempting to be deleted, is a used field within 'clone' mode.


Replies (1)


Hi Vefa,

I hope you are well!

This has now been raised as an enhancement with the development team - I have attached the development task ID to this idea so I am able to track and update you with any progress, I hope that is ok! :)

Best Wishes,


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