Schedule a Tab

YangyangCai shared this idea 7 years ago

Hi Team,

Hope you are well today.

Our team is looking for a new funciton to schedule a whole tab rather than only a report.

Because some of our clients want to review their KPIs at a regular basis, if we could schedule a tab rather than schedule individual reports, that would be fantastic.

For example, we have a tab called cockpit or broad report for monthly meeting purpose, we would like to schedule the whole tab to run through client's email with any format.


Much apprecaite if you could review this idea, and provide us any feedback.



Replies (1)


Hi Nancy,

Just a quick clarification question here to make sure that I log things correctly. Essentially what you're looking to do is broadcast, via email, an entire dashboard tab on a schedule in the same manner as a stand-alone Yellowfin report. Is my interpretation correct? Thanks in advance!



Hi Conner,

Thanks for your email.

Yes, you are right. Our team is looking for whole tab broadcast providing same functions as stand-alone Yellowfin report. Hoping the alert could be setup based on report, and specific rules. In addition, the whole tab broadcast could be setup based on main filter as well.




Hi Nancy,

Great, thanks for confirming that. I think I have some good news for you here! We've had a few clients ask for this in the past, and I just heard that it has made it's way to the product roadmap! However, the plan is to have it be part of a major release (as opposed to our monthly 'minor' patches) next year. As such, I can't provide a firm ETA yet, but just know that we have it in the books! For future reference, the internal ID number that we have assigned to the idea is YFN-6148.

Feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions!




Hi Nancy,

Just writing to let you know that is possible to Broadcast and Export Dashboards as of 9.3, which has just been published!

You can download latest update installers here:

9.3: .exe / .jar

or download the full installer here.

Please upgrade and confirm all is well when you get the chance.



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