Save Folder/Tag Visibility State in Navigation Pane

Jason Kaczmarek shared this idea 7 years ago
Idea Logged

I would love it if you saved the visibility state of the "By Folder/By Data Source" and "By Tag" menus in the Browse Page navigation pane. For me, using tags is the most useful; however, the tag menu only stays open if you have previously selected a specific tag. Also, the folder menu opens up each time you go back to the browse page.

Another idea would be to simply merge the tag menu into the folder/data source menu. However, I suppose if people needed to sort by tag and folder, then they couldn't do that anymore.

Replies (3)


Hi Jason,

Thanks for your feedback.

I'm current running testing in 7.3+ (June release), and the functionality you are describing seems to be working for me.

I can enter in search terms, select specific folders and/or tags, then when i leave the page, either to open a dashboard/report/view, and go back to the browse page, my last search terms, folders, tags are still selected.



The above stays in the browse page, no matter when I navigate to (and come back of course).

What release are you using, and are you able to record a short video showing me what you expect (please raise a private ticket if the video will contain sensitive data).




Before I make a video, let me try and explain my steps better.

  1. Open Yellowfin
  2. Collapse the "By Folder" section (leave the selection on "All")
  3. Expand the "By Tag" section (leave the selection on "All")
  4. Open any report
  5. Go back to the Browse page
  6. The "By Folder" shows expanded again and the "By Tag" section is collapsed.

I'm using v7.3 - 20170523



Thanks for clarifying Jason.

I see what you're referring to, and can confirm I too experience the same behaviour. I've had a quick word with the devs who believe it's a valid enhancement.

It has now been raised and linked with this ticket.

However at this point in time, there are no immediate plans to implement this so unable to comment on an ETA.

If there is any movement on this I will let you know.

In the meantime please let us know if there was anything else you were after.



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