Report will not retain new column when added

Michael Huber shared this problem 8 years ago

Having a problem when trying to add a new column to an existing report. Added new column to report, clicked output tab to view report output and the new column was not there. Went back to the data tab and it was no longer in the report. For some reason, it just kicks it out of the report.

Replies (7)


Hi Michael,

I hope all is well,

Can you confirm what build/version of Yellowfin you are using, and could you give me as much information as you can as to what's within this report.

I look forward to your reply.




Hi Michael,

I just want to touch base and question whether or not you still require my assistance with regards to this issue that you were experiencing.

I await your reply.




Hi Mark, we are currently on version 7.2.

What is happening is that we open an existing report in edit mode, add a new column, then go to the output tab to view the report and the column is not there. Then, when we go back to the edit tab, the new column we dragged in is no longer in the report.

I then saved the report (I think I reactivated it) and tried to reopen in edit mode. When I did, all of the measure columns were gone, and only the dimensions were still in the report. Once this happened, it never worked again and we had to pull back the production version and start over.

I did not realize that you had replied, but I logged in today because it just happened again to another user. Not sure if it matters, but she is having the same problem today, with the same report I had an issue with a couple months ago.




Hi Michael,

Thank you for getting back to me regarding this issue. I was unable to replicate this issue using the SKI Team Database within the latest Yellowfin Version/Build.

Now that we know another user has since had this problem with the exact same report, I would like to know more about this specific report as it appears to be corrupted.

-Can you please provide as much information as you can.

Last resorts to this would be to rebuild the report if possible and see how we get on, although ideally I would like to avoid this as I can understand the length of time it can take to build certain reports.

I look forward to your reply.




Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply. As far as I know, this is the only report where we have had this issue. The report itself is a basic table format report consisting of 43 columns and about 4,100 rows. The view is based on an aggregate table in SQL Server, and the report has no calculated fields - all drag and drop. It also does not have any aggregations or subtotals.

Each time we had this issue, we added new columns to the database table and, in turn, to the Yellowfin view. Everything seems to be fine up to this point, and until trying to view the output of the report, which is when it disappears.

I don't recall exactly, but I believe the last time this happened to me I did completely rebuild the report from scratch. Now, it is happening again to another user. Could it simply be the large number of columns in the report? Is there a specific limit?




Hi Mike,

Thank you for the reply and sorry for the delay in responding to you on this issue. Going forward I want to guide you in the direction of this link;

This should be of an interesting read to see what settings you have with regards to rows and limits of what you have.

With this I would also like to look at your log files to so if you could send these across to, making this FAO; Mark, this would be great. If you can specially tell me the date/time of when this issue has occurred this would be helpful.

I look forward to your reply.




Hi Mike,

Due to inactivity, we're going to go ahead and close off this item.

If you do want to revisit this , or if there was anything else you were after, please let us know.



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