Report Section Repeating

Karthik Kannan shared this problem 7 years ago

Hi Yellowfin Team,

To do dynamic report title, we hided report titles and using Report Sections for this. In report section we are using using 3 columns, 1st column remains same, Other two columns having dynamic values. But the 1st report section, repeats again & again. how to show this only once for the report.

NOTE: in yellowfin dynamic report title is not possible, inorder to achieve this, we are doing it with Report Section.

Please refer the screenshot for more information.

Thanks & Regards,

Karthik K

Replies (1)


Hello Karthik,

Thanks for reaching out with the issue you're facing. In order to display only Section Titles, you can hide the 'Display Title' and 'Display Description' under Report Formatting on the Data tab:


This should provide you with something as so:


Have you ensured the Report Title and Description are both set to 'No' in the settings above?




Hi Ryan,

Thanks for your reply.

Report Title and Description are both set to 'No" already. The red color highlight in the attached screenshot is Report Section. Report Section Country Wise Sales Budget for the Year 2018 is repeated again and again. We want this Report Section to be displayed only once in the report. the next report section Country: Kuwait and Country: are not duplicated and displayed correctly.


Karthik K


Hi Karthik,

Thanks for the reply. The Country Wise Sales Budget for the Year 2018 isn't going to be a report section, I don't believe. The report section title as shown in my screenshot is Demographic: xxxx. Yours would be Country: xxxx.

It would be helpful if you could investigate where this Country Wise Sales Budget for the Year 2018 title may be coming from, as it's definitely not your Section Title.

If you're available between 0800 AM and 0500 PM US Mountain Time, I'm happy to jump on a call and try to sort this out with you.




Hi Ryan,

Here with attached the report design screenshot for your reference.

We have 3 report sections 1. ReportSectionCountry 2. Country 3. Currency

we are using the 1st Report Section named ReportSectionCountry for report title and we set Report Title and Description are both set to 'No". Because in your yellowfin not able to show dynamic title.

Crystal Reports & SSRS having similar grouping concepts like Yellowfin's Report Section, But your yellowfin not handling multiple Report Sections properly.

We are hardcoding the values for the report title in the query and dragging & dropping that ReportSectionCountry column in the report section to display it as a dynamic report title.

Thanks & Regards,

Karthik K


Hi Karthik,

Thanks for the reply. In this case, your 'ReportSectionCountry' hard-coded title will be repeated with each section, as that's what section titles are designed for. There are no formatting options available that will allow you to show this particular title only one time.

On that note, there's a post here where clients have used charts to generate dynamic titles. This may be a solution for what you're looking for. Note that the method linked could be used to generate a dynamic label that is used as a Report Title.

We also have an existing Idea post for an Enhancement Request regarding this specific topic. You can review that post here to add your vote to the Idea.

At present, there's unfortunately no way to accomplish this using Section Titles. Does this help?




Hi Ryan,

Thanks for the reply.

We tried the work around provided by you using line chart. but unfortunately this also not helpful for us. To achieve this using the line chart also we need to restrict the report sections. whenever we are using more report sections, this chart also repeats like report section. please refer the screenshot attached.

We tried another work around using displaying the filter details but client not likes the way in which it is presented.

Thanks & Regards,

Karthik K


Hi Karthik,

Thanks for giving that a look. On this note, I'm afraid I don't see a way to accomplish what you're trying to do with a Sectioned report at present. As I mentioned, feel free to up-vote the Idea post here regarding the request for this functionality. I understand this may not be the news you were hoping for, however posting your interest on the linked Idea will help indicate this feature would be beneficial to our client base.




Hi Karthik,

I'm going to go ahead and mark this ticket as 'Resolved', since there's no further work arounds we can attempt and we've created an Idea post for the functionality you're after.




Hi Ryan,

Still the issue exists, then how will you close this issue as Resolved.

In Yellowfin side, you (Support execcutives) doing the same. If it is still exists then simply converting it as an IDEA and marking the ticket as RESOLVED.

So many tickets raised from past 8 months, you are simply converting it as IDEA, still we are struggling with the issues. so resolutions resolved from your side.


Karthik K


Hi Karthik,

Thanks for the reply. To clarify, the status of this Issue has been set to Resolved since this functionality doesn't exist within Yellowfin. That means that the request has to be handled as an Enhancement Request. The first step to that is to submit it as an Idea in the community. I understand this may not be the news you were hoping for, but this is the work flow we use to request new functionality.



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