Report formatting is lost on export to excel or broadcasting

Ros Wood shared this idea 6 years ago
Not Planned

When the reports are exported or attached to Broadcast the gridlines and column width format from the report is lost

Screenshots attached.

Replies (4)


Hi Ros,

Thanks for reaching out. It is not currently an option to have column width formatting that is set in the report builder to be followed when exporting to XLS. The "Keep Formatting" option does not apply to column width's, and the "Format Column and Row Size"'s two options are to either not adjust the width of columns and heights of rows, which just exports with default XLS column and row settings, or you can turn this setting on and it will "automatically adjust the width of columns and heights of rows to suit the contents of the report".

What I could do is submit an enhancement request to add an option to have XLS exports follow row heights and width of columns set in the Report Builder and change this ticket to a community Idea item. However, I feel this may be a limitation of Excel, in that there's really no way of defining cell sizes during the file generation process. I believe the cell settings are determined within Excel, but I could be wrong, and the dev team would surely be in a better position to say one way or the other. Would you like me to go ahead and put forward this enhancement request?




Please go ahead with the enhancement request


Hi Ros,

I've gone ahead and submitted an enhancement request for this. Any potential updates regarding this will be posted here.




Hi Ros,

This has been marked as "Not Planned".

According to our CTO: "It's unlikely we would ever do this.

I think using Excel's formatting to fit columns and rows is the best option."

Please don't hesitate to reach out with further questions or concerns.



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