Report Details for Drill Through reports not loading in 7.3Plus

Stephen Short shared this problem 7 years ago

For reports that are drill through reports, clicking on the 'Report Details' button causes an infinite spinner to occur, and the details are never loaded. I am able to replicate this 100% of the time by doing the following:

1. Create a new report

2. Add the relevant columns to the report

3. Add the necessary filter to the filters section for the drill through to funciton

4. Specify the analysis style as drill through

5. On the Related content setup, add the relevant drill through target to the drill through relationship box

6. Set Join Type to Drill Through, and set up the join and hyperlink field appropriately (to the column the join is being performed on)

7. Run the report, and click the report details button

8. Notice that the report details never loads

Looking at the javascript console, here's the error being thrown:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

at r.<anonymous> (ContentInfoTabbedPanelView.js?20170525:90)

at Object.g [as success] (jquery-1.7.2.min.js?20170525:2)

at o (jquery-1.7.2.min.js?20170525:2)

at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-1.7.2.min.js?20170525:2)

at w (jquery-1.7.2.min.js?20170525:4)

at XMLHttpRequest.d (jquery-1.7.2.min.js?20170525:4)

This error is only being thrown when viewing report details for drill through reports as far as I can tell. Removing the drill through causes that error to not occur and the report details load as expected.

Replies (5)


Hi Stephen,

Appreciate the detailed information provided, has really sped up the investigation!

I managed to replicate your issue, and then confirmed it has been fixed and will be included in the upcoming 7.3+ release, which will be available at the end of the month (aiming for 30/06/2017).

I can send you an interim build for testing purposes, otherwise if you hold off for 2 weeks, and then upgrade all will be resolved.

Please let me know how you would like to proceed on this.

Once again, thank you for the level of detail provided.




Hi David,

Yeah, actually I'd be interested in an interim build for testing, might be a good idea to play around with as we're working on our integration at the moment, getting a preview of interim fixes sounds good to me.

And yeah, no problem for the details provided, as a dev I know how valuable & time saving having detailed repro instructions is :)

Thanks again for looking into this,



That explains the level of detail Stephen :)

I've uploaded the latest 7.3+ interim build, see links below:

As this is an interim build, keep in mind this is not something that has been fully tested and signed off.

Please let me know how it all goes!

Thanks again,



Cool, thanks again for this build, I've been playing around with it and also confirmed that the issue has been fixed. Thanks again for the early build :)


No problems at all , glad it's all resolved.

Thanks again for detailed info, and please let us know if there was anything else you were after.



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