Remove Tomcat Version From Error Pages

Ryan Carrie shared this idea 6 years ago

When an error page is displayed, the Apache Tomcat version is shown:


Can this be hidden?

Replies (2)


While it's not directly possible to hide this version, a custom error page can be provided to Tomcat. This can be implemented in the <YellowfinInstall>/appserver/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml:


This will prevent the default Tomcat error pages which show the version. I am logging this as an Enhancement to consider developing custom error pages that will ship with the product, however in the meantime your own webpage can be supplied as above.

Please note the above configuration must be at the bottom of your web.xml file above the </webapp> tag. In addition the errors folder must exist inside the <YellowfinInstall>/appserver/webapps/ROOT folder and must contain the custom HTML files.

Thanks, Ryan


Hi Ryan,

I've a new YF 8.0.5-installation an no directory (webapps) with this name:


What can I do?

Best regards...Karl-Josef


Hi Karl-Josef,

Thanks for reaching out with your issue. You can identify the file path of your installation by navigating to 'Administration' > 'System Information' and expanding the 'System Properties' section. Below is an example of my test instance:


This shows that Yellowfin is installed within the /opt/Yellowfin8 directory. The appserver directory represents Tomcat, which hosts the application. Within this directory should be a webapps folder, referenced within the documentation here.

Since the time of this writing I am no longer in the Support Team, but would be happy to facilitate a screen share with the appropriate resource if you're unable to locate the folder in question.




This can now be achieved as follows:

  1. Open the server.xml file located in the Yellowfin/appserver/conf directory.
  2. Enter the following value in the <Host> tag:

<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve" showReport="false"/>

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