Pre-defined date periods as analytic functions

Dean Jackson shared this idea 6 years ago
Not Planned

We have customers on different financial years. For example, ending 31st Dec, 30th June, 31st April. We can set the financial year in each Client Organisation and that works well with the Predefined Date Periods feature.

But we also want to have Financial Year related fields in our date hierarchy. For example:

- Financial Year Start Date eg 1st July 2018

- Financial Quarter Name eg Quarter 3

- Financial Quarter of Year - eg 1, 2, 3, 4

Most of our client's reporting involves filtering and grouping by financial year and/or financial quarter.

Would be great if we could apply these types of date functions as analytic functions so we this type of dynamic data/drill down.

Replies (2)


Hey Dean,

I've logged the idea for future review.

At this point in time don't have any plans to address this, though I believe you have figured out a way to get around this for the time being.

Please let us know if there was anything else you were after in the meantime.




Hi Dean,

Just letting you know this item has been reviewed and unfortunately do not have any immediate plans to address.

This doesn't mean the item has been closed, just not on our current road map.

If anything changes I'll let you know, and of course please let me know if there was anything else you were after.



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