Expand Bookmark functionality on Reports and Dashboards to respect filtered filter list results

Bryan Mack shared this idea 3 years ago
Idea Logged

Yellowfin 9.4

I have a dashboard. The filters on the dashboard come from a single report. Some of these filters use a parent/child relationship..... as in ...

Fill in Filter A, then limit the filter choices of Filter B based on what was selected for Filter A

With me so far? Ok ... here's where it gets odd.

I access the dashboard by way of bookmarks. So I already have the value of Filter A set via the bookmark, however, the filters don't cascade to limit the values as they should until after I click "apply". This may require a demo, which I'm happy to give, but I wanted to get the ball rolling on this.

Replies (8)


Hi Bryan,

Thanks for reaching out. I'm not able to replicate this.

Here's the steps I took to do this:

1. Created a report, added a few filters, set them up as a hierarchy so each would only appear after being selected.



Click a value:


Click another value:


2. Created a Dashboard and brought this report and the filters into it. Here's the default look:


3. Here's where I'm thinking things perhaps went wrong: if I now click say Europe, then create a Bookmark, this will not work.

It will look like this:


Save Bookmark and access bookmark, it looks like original image.

However, if I instead click 'Europe' then click 'Apply', then save a new Bookmark, this Bookmark then works:


You can see the correct, expected output behind the Bookmark window here.

So my follow-up question is, when saving the Bookmark did you click 'Apply' or just clicked/highlighted the value then saved? I suspect it was the latter, and if so, please try the other method and let me know how goes.

For the record, this would be the expected behavior. If you reference our Bookmarks & Snapshots Wiki entry you'll see that Bookmarks "Allow you to save the drill paths and filter values you have currently applied to the report in order to reapply them to fresh data at a later date." It does not save the complete state of the output of the report, but rather the applied filter values and drill paths. Hope this makes sense. Either way, please let me know if my hunch is correct here and let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.




Hi Bryan,

I just wanted to check in and see how things are going with this.




I just attempted it by clicking "Apply" before saving teh bookmark, and the behavior is still not what I want. It is not filtering the filter list via the defined relationship. I am out of ideas, I'm happy to demo this if you'd like.


Hi Bryan,

Yeah, it would be helpful to have a short screen share to demonstrate this. I'd be available today 4-5 PM EDT or tomorrow between 8:45 AM - 11 AM, then again from 11:15 AM - 2 PM EDT, or Friday 9 - 10 AM, 12 - 1 PM, or 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM.

Please let me know a time that works for you. I've also moved this from a question, which is public, to a private ticket.




Can we please do sometime next week? I'm working today, but am on PTO tomorrow. On MST, I can make any time work Monday-Friday with the exception of 10-11am on each of those days.


Hi Bryan,

Sure, sounds good! Here's a meeting link for Monday at 11 AM MDT/1 PM EDT on Monday: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1480054146

Please confirm this works for you when you get the chance.




Hi Bryan,

Thanks for hopping on the call and walking me through this. I'm able to replicate what you're seeing. That said, I've come to the conclusion that this is expected behavior. If you look at how we define Bookmarks in our Wiki, you'll see the following: "This allows you to save the drill paths and filter values you have currently applied to the report in order to reapply them to fresh data at a later date." In other words, it saves the filter values themselves, but not the filter value lists in subsequent filters in the hierarchy. I believe this is expected behavior, based on definition and my understanding of this functionality.

As such, this will require an enhancement request. Please let me know if you'd like me to proceed with this enhancement request and I can go ahead and submit that and can also convert this ticket to an Idea item for "Expand Bookmark functionality on Reports and Dashboards to respect filter selection hierarchy in filter list results".




Hi Bryan,

Thanks for hopping on the call. As discussed, I've gone ahead and converted this to an Idea item and submitted an enhancement request for this.

Just to sum this up for anyone coming across this Idea:

If you create a report with say Region and Country, you will see that when you choose Region (say Europe), then the subsequent filters will only show Country = 'Europe':


If you click 'Apply' and save a Bookmark at this point, it will indeed save the results as being filtered by 'Europe', however, the filtered 'Camp Country' results are not applied.

The request here is to basically have the Bookmark also act as if the filter value is selected, so that when the report loads, it doesn't just apply the 'Europe' filter, but the 'Europe' filter option is selected and the result set is reflected in subsequent filters in the filter hierarchy.

Any potential updates surrounding this will be posted here.



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