Option to add a Prefix (such as a $) in the Vertical Axis of the Auto Charts

Subhadeep Sen shared this idea 5 years ago
Not Planned

We know that formatting Vertical Axis in Auto-Chart feature is not available in Yellowfin as of now.Is there any way to add symbols(preferable $) in Prefix of the Vertical Axis of Auto-Chart?

Custom-chart option is not preferable as we need to have Dynamic-Axis and this feature is also not available for custom-charts in Yellowfin.

Replies (3)


Hi Subhadeep,

Thanks for reaching out with your suggestion. I've logged this as an Idea for an Enhancement Request. Before becoming a request, ideas will be reviewed by our Product Team and chosen for Enhancements based on feasibility, level of positive impact to the user experience, and votes from the community. This post will be updated with any future information relevant to this process.

Thank you,



Hi Subhadeep,

I have had some feedback on this from the developement team and this idea is not planned in the near future. The reasoning behind this, is that the Auto Chart is purely there to get a quick chart up and running for a fast visual effect. Once a customer knows what chart they are looking for, then they will select the right option. It is within these specific chart types the options such as Prefix on the VErtical Axis become available.

I hope this makes sense.

Thank you,



We have a similar problem. We often use visible series selection for our charts, and we need some kind of dynamic formatting of vertical axis. For example we have a chart with two series, first one showing % of sales and the second one showing sales total in $. The current fixed vertical axis format can only support one format (either $ or %), and this creates confusion for our users.

Thank you,

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