No Rounding Option

Tal Mickel shared this idea 7 years ago
Not Planned


Yellowfin is set to round numeric data usually up, or done.

Without asking what's the idea behind it, it would be great to have another option of no rounding!


Dor & Tal

Replies (2)


Hi Dor and Tal,

Thanks for submitting this idea. When you have a second, can you expand a little bit on this? How exactly would you like to see this implemented? In my mind, what you're trying to accomplish can already be done by setting the number of decimal places to be displayed to a number higher than the significant digits in my numeric field. This has the effect of extending out the number of decimals out beyond the point where rounding would have any impact.

In my testing, setting the column format to use the Raw Formatter will also display all of the available decimals without any rounding.

If neither of these options are viable, can you possibly give an example of a use case so that we can better hone this idea?




Hey Conner,

Thank you for your input

We actually didn't know that.. the fact that there is a rounding option and that it's part of the user experience when you creating content, makes us (and our users by the way, as we received multiple questions on how they can cancel rounding) - is very confusing.

If we chose a decimal number of 2 or 0, let's say, the rounding option expected should always be up.

I think it would be best for you guys to see if other users actually changing this option. I'm not sure people actually choosing rounding down numbers. Who knows, maybe you'll decide to let this feature go. :)

Thank you !!

Dor & Tal


Hi Dor and Tal,

Thanks for the followup on this one. I of course don't field all of the requests here at Yellowfin, but I will say that yours is the first to mention any kind of confusion with the way that the rounding system is currently set up. I have seen a handful of scenarios where clients will round down values in reports, so I think that that feature will be sticking around :)

Since we don't seem to have clients asking for this feature, and that there are two viable workarounds, I am going to mark this Idea as 'Not Planned'. I'm sorry that this probably isn't the hoped for outcome on this one, but don't hesitate to let us know if you have any further questions.




That's fine Conner :) Sorry for the confusion, thank you for your reply!


No worries, have a great rest of the week!


Hi Conner,

I am facing similar kind of issue, is there way to select no rounding option. I am using 7.3 build



Hi Bharath,

This Ideas was chosen as not planned for development, and no changes to the UI regarding this occurred between 7.2 and 7.3. The good news is the above work around suggestions should be viable in any Yellowfin version.



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