No Horizontal Scroll-bar

Tal Mickel shared this idea 7 years ago

Hey Guys,

When we make a report which has so much rows and columns that it requires a scroll bar to move around, the horizontal scroll-bar can be found only when you go to the bottom of the page, instead of floating regardless my location in the page.

See screenshots below.

  1. YF Version
  2. 7.2 - 20170413


Dor & Tal




Replies (1)


Hi Dor and Tal,

Thanks for the message about this. I definitely agree that having the horizontal scroll bar waaaaayy at the bottom of some lengthy reports is definitely not a desirable UI setup.

I believe that I have some mixed news on this: I can confirm that I witness the same behavior on my personal 7.2 instances. However, when I move to 7.3, the behavior of the scroll bar is precisely as you suggested, and instead 'floats' at the bottom of the browser window instead of being locked to the very bottom of the report. (Please see screenshot)


To go forward on this, I'm going to convert this Problem to an Idea. Because the behavior is resolved in 7.3, the product team will have to decide whether or not to implement the change backwards to 7.2. If they decide that the new behavior won't be 'backported' to 7.2, I'm afraid that the only way to attain this behavior will be to upgrade to 7.3. Please keep your eye this post for news from the product team!




Hey Conner !

Can if you see it in 7.3, can you confirm it for 7.4 as well ?


Hi Dor,

Sorry for taking so long to update this.

Good news is that this is now supported in the latest 7.3 & 7.4 releases.

As you can see from the screen below, the scroll bar is there, irrespective of whether you're at the top or bottom of the page.


Please let us know if you do not see this post upgrade, or have any further questions on this.



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