Needs options to customize SUMMARY

Karthik Kannan shared this idea 7 years ago
Idea Logged

Dear Yellowfin Team,

Thanks for providing the beautiful summary options.

But provide us some option to place this summary inside the canvas and also add some additional features like able to change the background color, border (Thickness, Color) and also provide the option to show the summary in right side also.

Thanks in Advance,

Karthik K.

Replies (3)


Hello Karthik,

I feel this is a great candidate for an Idea. These are created as candidates for Enhancement Requests. Before becoming a request, ideas will be reviewed by our Product Team and chosen for Enhancements based on feasibility, level of positive impact to the user experience, and votes from the community. I've gone ahead and converted this over to an Idea. I'll keep this post updated with any updates to the status of your Idea.




I too vote on this. I was looking for summary formatting options and without it my report does not look very appealing. The report user wants a sub total after each client so every one or two rows. Without a bold or italicize option, the report looks very hard to read.


Hi Larry,

Thanks for adding your vote to this item. I'll keep this post updated with further information regarding whether this is chosen to be part of our roadmap.



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