Millisecond dropping leading zero in date/time filter

David Lynch shared this problem 8 years ago

Has anyone come across this before? I have a date/time field in SQL Server that contains a value "2017-01-09 14:17:45.017", and this field is used to populate a dropdown filter. However when the report SQL is parsed it drops the leading zero off the millisecond component of the time to come up with this "2017-01-09 14:17:45.17" which of course will result in no rows returned. Is this a bug or a configuration problem on my end?

Replies (4)


...just a bit more clarification, the view formatting for the field is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss a, so milliseconds not displaying, but still present in the underlying data field.


Hi David,

I've just tried replicating this issue on my YF 7.2 20161024 with a SQL Server db and wasn't able to:


I used cached filter values and as you can see, YF found that row and the report SQL has the .017

So I'm assuming it might be specific to your Yellowfin, so could you please tell me which version and build you are using.





Thanks for looking at this, the build I am using currently is 7.1 which likely makes a difference:


We are currently evaluating 7.3 and I have a workaround so it's not a biggie for us, just thought you might want to know in case it was an issue.


Hi David,

ah 7.1, that explains it! In fact, with the release of 7.3 last month, 7.1 has now gone out of regular support which means that only critical issues will be fixed from now in 7.1. so unfortunately this issue with the milliseconds couldn't be fixed.

I'm glad you've got a workaround for it, and let me reassure you that the same issue does not exist in 7.2 and 7.3.

Thanks again for passing that info onto us anyway, because as I hope you know, we do appreciate clients reporting any defects they discover to us!



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