Many dimensions for the chart

Maria A. Maldonado shared this idea 21 months ago
Idea Logged

When a particular type of chart that has many dimensions, which on occasions can be thousands of dimensions, this leads us to face a problem where the dimensions tend to overlap which in turn makes the chart unreadable. An example of how we can overcome these difficulties, in particular in that of the bar graph, an option can be selected in which an amount of dimensions are presented to the user and the rest of the dimensions are sent to a bar titled “Other”. This solves the issue but generates another issue in the process. The issue it generates is the following, the graph presented when the “Other” bar is clicked is not so user friendly for the end-user.

Replies (2)


Hi David,

Currently I don't have a chart that handles all the dimensions without having to resort to the bar of others. I understand that pretending that a graph handles 2,000 dimensions is ambitious and that was not my request. I proposed to be able to display the bar of others excluding from the graph the dimensions already observed. This can be illustrated by clicking on the others bar and excluding those already observed, displaying those found in that bar so that later you can apply what a drill down is.


Hi Maria,

I hope all is well,

Mark here from the EMEA Support Region, just to let you know this has since been logged as an Idea with our development team. No updates as of yet, although please check-in as and when you like. I will be happy to assist with this where I can.



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