Is this possible with a dashboard? Please see attached image.

Joon Hahn shared this idea 8 years ago
Not Planned

I'm trying to select a row in Report 1 that would update Report 2 and based on the records select in Report 2 would update Report 3. I can accomplish this with a filter on the Dashboard but the customer is looking to be able to trigger the updates by selecting a row in Report 1.

Replies (5)


Hi Jhoon,

Thanks for sending in the question. On it's surface, what you are after isn't exactly possible--Yellowfin currently does not support active row highlighting as a filter. So I went ahead and converted this question one into an enhancement idea for our product team to evaluate.

Also, I've done some thinking on this one though and I think I have a pretty decent work around that could work for you here. I'm currently testing it out, but I just wanted to give you a quick update to let you know there should be some more information headed your way soon (hopefully tomorrow in the A.M.).

Let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,



Hi Jhoon,

Here is a video of the workaround I mentioned.

Basically instead of using drill through, I am using drill down to drill a field to itself (Region to Region and Country to Country in my example) and then passing that drill down value as a filter to another report. To my eye, this pretty closely emulates the active row highlighting/filtering concept you are seeking

The only catch here is that because you are drilling, the top level and mid level reports have to update to reflect that change which also means they both have to be manually reset in order to begin a new drill scenario. Unfortunately there isn't a way around this.

Anyway, can you let us know if this works for you? I look forward to hearing back.

Kind Regards,



Worked like a champ Dustin! Thank you so much!


Nice! I'm happy that workaround worked out for you =).

Kind Regards,



Nice work Dustin as always!

Unfortunately Joon, I do have some news which is not good news, but don't that it makes it bad news by default, it's just news I guess.

At this point in time there are no current plans to support clicking on a row to pass as value to related reports.

Something that can be revisited at a later date, though until then there is not much more I can say on this request.

Apologies for the vague answer. If there was anything else you were after, please feel free to shoot it through, as we discuss and review each request.

Enjoy your day!



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