Show report headers and footers in report builder

Aaron Morgan shared this idea 6 years ago
Idea Logged

Hi i was wondering if there is some way to show report header and footer before i export the report? I couldn't find any other way to put a logo on the report or center the title on the page other than the header and footer but both only show up after the report is exported.

Replies (5)


Hi Aaron,

Thanks for reaching out. There's no way to view this from any of the stages within the Report Builder itself, however, there is a way to do this without having to actually export anything.

If you go to Export > Print, you can see the Headers and Footers on the Print Preview page that pops up:


Hopefully this is suitable. Please let me know if you have any questions




is there a way to center the title and description then at least? centering it in the header settings only centers it in its own div.


Hi Aaron,

There is no way to change Header and Footer alignment in the UI. What I could do is submit an enhancement request for this and change this Question ticket to an Idea ticket. I should note however that if any enhancements were to be developed they'd only be applied to 7.4 and 8.0, as 7.1 and 7.2 have reached End Of Life.

Either way, let me know how you'd like to proceed.




Yeah if there could be a way to see the header/footer before exporting other than using the print function then there really wouldn't be a need to center it as the title and description could be put anywhere, as well as the ability to change the font size in the header/footer between title and description. We can move this to an idea ticket. Thanks!


Hi Aaron,

Sounds good. I've gone ahead and submitted an enhancement request.

Any potential updates regarding this will be posted here.



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