Ability to customize Visible Series Selection up/down arrow display

Dillon Hoefener shared this idea 3 years ago
Idea Logged

I'm looking to customize the visible series selection panels by changing the colors of the arrows based on the desired trend for the metric.

Is this possible? I can't find any settings in the UI or info in the Wiki on how to do this.

If I want to change the desired trend to down, for example, the "desired trend" axis setting set to down just puts a down arrow in the chart but doesn't change the down arrow from red to green in the visible series selection panel if it's trending down which doesn't make much sense.

I'm using YF 9.5.1.


Replies (3)


Hi Dillon,

Thanks for reaching out. There is currently no way to change the Visible Series Selection arrow colors out of the box. I was hoping we'd be able to target a div or class via custom CSS to accomplish this, but alas, it looks like the arrows themselves cannot be targeted this way (they're href=";" references), so it seems there's no way to do this.

I can change this to an Idea item and submit an internal enhancement request if that's something you're interested in. Please let me know and I can go ahead and change this and submit that.




Hi Mike,

That would be great. Ideally, it would be nice to have this option as a UI setting at the individual metric level (use case: create a chart with metric selection that should display customer complaints and revenue separately, where customer complaints should trend down and revenue should trend up), but if that's asking too much enabling a way to do this through custom CSS should work just fine.



Hi Dillon,

Sounds good. I've gone ahead and converted this to an Idea item and submitted an enhancement request for this.

Any potential updates surrounding this will be posted here.



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