Improve performance of displaying Access Filter Records in UI

Neha Patel shared this idea 3 years ago
Idea Logged

When reviewing the records of an access filter on the Datasource UI, when the records retrieved are around 3-4K, its able to fetch records and show on Records tab. But if records are quite large like 15K plus, the Records tab takes forever and almost never opens. The query used fetches data in around 2-3 mins. Is there a way this could be improved? Pagination of records?

Replies (1)


Hi Neha,

Thanks for reaching out with your suggestion. I've logged this as an Idea for an Enhancement Request. Before becoming a request, ideas will be reviewed by our Product Team and chosen for Enhancements based on feasibility, level of positive impact to the user experience, and votes from the community. This post will be updated with any future information relevant to this process.



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