How to have a page feed after report name and filters in PDF export of report

Mansi Sharma shared this problem 7 years ago

Hi YF Team,

I have a customer request -

We need to have a page feed after Report Name and Filters (used to run the report).

First page of the PDF export should only show Report Name and Filters used to run the report.

Report columns should start from next page and break on the section (section break part is taken care).

Please suggest me if there is any way to achieve it.


Mansi Sharma.

Replies (2)


Hi Mansi,

Unfortunately I do not believe that Yellowfin is capable of this. I tried to mess around with some of the custom header and footer options, but I wasn't able to produce anything that would be satisfactory to distribute. This looks like a prime example for logging as an Idea here on the Community. Please let me know if this is something that you would like to take on and flesh out (perhaps with a specific use case or a couple of screenshots), or if you would like me to raise it on your behalf given the information that you passed in your initial message. If you could let me know how you would like to proceed here, that would be great. Thanks!

In the meantime, I think that the best way to achieve the result that you're looking for would be to export the report from Yellowfin as normal, and then add a custom title page with your preferred PDF editor.




Hi Mansi,

Just checking in here to see if you are wanting me to take any further action on this, or if I should go ahead and mark it as closed. If you could let me know when you have a few moments, that would be great!



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