How to get 1 decimal place for Numeric Display chart?

Rose Craig shared this idea 7 years ago
Not Planned

Hi there,

I am using a numeric display for the chart type and am trying to get it to ALWAYS display to 1 decimal place. I have changed the settings to be 1 dp but what I am finding is that when it rounds to 0 e.g 58.0 all that is displayed is 58.

You can see in the attached example where it is working (207.4k) and not working (58k which should be 58.0k)

Also in design the numeric displays appear tiny until you click go when they are normal size...

Replies (4)


Hi Rose,

I was able to confirm what you are noticing but I believe that this is expected behavior with formatted values. To show the original number which will always have the correct decimal places (but will not shorten the value to "K"), you can disable summarize value from the chart settings:


If this does not work for you I am inclined to first convert this to an enhancement "idea" so that it can be reviewed by the product team. If they deem this to be a bug I will raise a defect ticket accordingly.

Please let me know your thoughts on this.




Hi Nathan,

Thanks for investigating. Unfortunately having the whole number does not work for us as this is to be used on a dashboard. The problem we have with it is the inconsistencies it produces. 58k has a different meaning to 58.0k with the former meaning the value could be anywhere between 57,500 and 58,499 whereas the later could be between 57,950 and 58,049. This is inconsistent formatting when you have, as in our example 207.4k with the decimal.




Hi Rose,

That does make sense. I will still convert this to an idea for now, but I do agree that this could easily be deemed a bug. If the product team agrees, I will raise a defect for it. I am only hesitant because the summarize functionality tends to inherently imply a loss of accuracy.

Another thought here, is that if your value will consistently be between 1K and 999.9 K you could divide the number by 1000 in a calculated field and format the result with a K to mimic this display.





Hi Rose,

I spoke with the product team about this issue, and they tend to agree that the summary functionality is not intended for specificity such as this. While it certainly wouldn't hurt to add this, unfortunately, this is not something that will realistically be approached in the near future. I am going to set this idea to "not planned" for now, but it will remain on record and if we see an increasing demand in the future, we can evaluate this again.

Sorry for the bad news and let me know if there is anything else I can help with on this!



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