How do I connect to a SQL Server database?

Nathan Schroeder shared this question 8 years ago

I am trying to connect to my SQL Server database, but I keep getting connection refused errors. What do I have to do to get this to work?

Replies (1)


Getting Yellowfin to work with SQL Server can be a little tricky due to the security settings with in SQL Server

Typically it is best to use SQL Server Authentication rather than Windows Authentication, but both can be done. The instructions below are specific to SQL Server Authentication, but many of the same steps apply.

  1. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager
  2. Open SQL Server Network Configuration
  3. Click on the server
  4. Ensure TCP/IP is enabled by right clicking tcp/ip and selecting Yes for the Enabled attribute
  5. Tab over to IP Addresses
  6. Scroll to the bottom under IPAll
  7. Clear the value under dynamic ports
  8. Enter your port under TCP Port “1433 is default”
  9. Restart SQL Server
  10. Log into SQL Server Management Studio
  11. Create a user and give the user sysadmin permissions
  12. Use sql server authentication instead of windows for that user
  13. Save the user
  14. Go to the object explorer and right click the server name
  15. Select properties
  16. Select Security
  17. Change windows authentication to sql server and windows authen
  18. It should work now!

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