GIS map grouping layering information?

tabitha shared this question 6 years ago

Is there some guidance on how i can use the GIS bubble map to show our projects but each delivery office to be a different colour? I have looked through all the information i can find online and doesn't seem to do that. The closest i got was layers but i don't understand how to set those up properly and how they work.

Replies (3)


Hi Tabitha,

Thanks for reaching out. We do have some documentation on GIS Bubble Map's, but it's a bit outdated. Actually I see you're in 7.2, so it may still apply. Either way, you can reference that, if interested, here.

However, based on my understanding of what you're looking for here, it may not even be necessary. If I'm understanding correctly, what you want is each bubble to be colored based on the delivery office, correct?

If this is the case then I'd assume you have a Dimension for Delivery Office. As such, you'd just place that in the Color field of the GIS Bubble Map in the Charts Section.

As you can see in my example, I have 5 Regions, so I set my Region as the color and now each Region has a different color. Swap out Region with Delivery Office and you should be good to go:


Please let me know if this seems to be what you're looking for and whether you have any further questions.




Hi. I have tried that and it is still keeping the colour as the amount of items in that location rather than the office. Have I missed a step? Images attached. Thank you for your help.


Hi Tabitha,

This is because you have the value as Count Delivery Office, which is making it be recognized as a numeric value, which then assigns a blend of 3-5 colors based on those counts from 0-5. If instead you pulled Delivery Office in without a Count aggregation, each value would be a completely distinct color.




Boom that works! Thank you

Thank you


Tabitha Grooby

Business Systems Manager



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Hi Tabitha,

You're welcome! I'll go ahead and mark this as Answered then.

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any further questions or concerns.



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