freehand sql limitations

YF Distributor South Africa shared this idea 3 years ago
Idea Logged

Hi guys,

We have a customer who asked the following question:

Can a Freehand SQL report accept a list of values as a filter/parameter? We answered ,Yes it is possible and gave him this work around code:564a854851a8949fb5ed38f76fad339c

But in order for your filters to work, if u have two filters, u must specify 2 values, if you have five filters, specify 5 values etc.

However , they responded to us by saying

"Unfortunately, this route wouldn’t be appropriate as we do not know the number of values/parameters that a user would want to pass to the filter at any given point in time. Ideally we would like it to work just as a drag and drop report would."

Can this please be reviewed as a possible future enhancement request?

Replies (6)


Hey there and thanks for contacting us!

So I'm just trying to understand how this would work; is your customer asking for a kind of hybrid where both the conventional Yellowfin drag and drop and freehand SQL work?

You could possibly set up two views, one using freehand SQL where the report is created with an advanced subquery to reference the freehand SQL view.

It would be good to have some more detail on what exactly your customer would like to see.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

Thanks for the response. So this is what the customer wants:

"I have used the syntaxes below and both ways, the report only enables the user to select 1 parameter from a list."



"In essence, I want to be able to change the “Equal to” option below to “In List” for the user to select more than 1 value."


Kind regards,



Hi Kevin,

I can understand the use of it - if you don't know the number of values, how do you know how many to specify in the freehand SQL. However, I'm pretty sure this type of report can only use the features of SQL itself. I'll run this past my team, but I don't believe this would be possible as it's a limitation of the SQL language.

Is there a reason why your customer cannot create a drag and drop report instead?

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

Is there a reason why your customer cannot create a drag and drop report instead?

We did ask this, but the customer says they cannot do this because of their very complex data warehouse structure. I used to be able to Share a ticket to the user, however I don't seem to have that option on this post, maybe they could explain much better ?

Kind regards,



Hi Kevin,

It looks like this was actually originally reported by someone else, and was subsequently logged as a bug. That was over a year ago, however. I'll see if I can get some developer eyes on it to assess.

Kind regards,



Hi Kevin,

We've modified our defect report to an enhancement request. If you're happy with that I'll move this to idea logged!

Kind regards,


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