Fail to stop Yellowfin Service - Memory Leak Issue

YangyangCai shared this problem 6 years ago

Hi Team,

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

Some of our clients occur the following issues:

1. Web server reboot itself for some reason, Yellowfin service stopped itself but the thread did not stop and still running on the port

2. We setup Yellowfin to restart itself automatically but because the thread still running, it could not restart automatically

3. Manually restart does not work as well

The screenshot below shows the following warning, which seems a memory leak issue.

I am not sure it is easy for support team to replicate this issue for not, but we could see this is really a potential risk for clients.

Much appreciate if you could have a look this issue for us, and advise does this issue has been resolved in YF 7.4?

Currently, our system is 7.2 (20160727 patch) with Java 111, I have attached the logs for your review.





Replies (4)


Hi Nancy,

I get that error every time I shutdown Yellowfin but it doesn't cause any problems with the service.

I did some research about it and from what I could gather, it means that Yellowfin was stopped, well it tried to stop, though it couldn’t successfully stop.

However, it is usually forced to shut-down anyway, so even though it says it cannot stop, it actually does.

But occasionally over the years, we have seen this in a scenario where the server cannot be started again.

It was in a situation like this ;

A large report was run (or something similar) which caused the service to run out of memory.

The service was stopped, though not successfully, maybe it didn’t even have enough memory to restart, or it was stopped twice, when it first didn’t close straight away.

This means the Service is stuck in a limbo state, not running, not stopped, and Yellowfin can no longer run.

Although we found that then forcing a reboot shuts down all services and clears the service.

I just tried now, I restarted my computer with the service running but when it came back up then the YF service was OK.

Do you clients say it happens all the time, or is it intermittently?




Hi David,

Sorry for late reply and thanks for your reply.

Reboot the server can always resolve the issue, but we do not want to reboot server every time, which makes it harder for us to maintain.

This issue happens every time for all our clients when the server reboot, the previous YF could not stop and new instance could not start.




Hi Nancy,

OK, I am trying to replicate the issue although so far I haven't been able to.

I would like to make clear your replication steps - in step 1) when you said "Web server reboot itself" do you mean Apache? (Apache is the web server and Tomcat is the application server).

If this is so, then can you please confirm if your clients are using standalone Apache and standalone Tomcat instead of the Apache/Tomcat that ships with Yellowfin.




Hi David,

Thanks for your reply.

The 'Web Server' refers to the on-promise Windows Server.




Hi Nancy,

OK, thanks for the clarification.

I tried to replicate it, here are my steps:

1) install YF 7.2 20160728 as Windows Service

2) make sure it is configured as Automatic, not Manual

3) make sure it is running

4) restart the Windows Server

result: Yellowfin service had automatically restarted successfully.

I have attached a video of my test, if you could please take a minute to watch it and then let me know if my steps were correct or incorrect that would be great!




Hi Nancy,

I am writing on behalf of BigDave.

Wondering if I can close this ticket.

Kind Regards,



Hi Nancy,

Hope you are doing well.

Can you please update me on this ticket?

Let me know if I can help you with anything else.

Kind Regards,



Hi Nancy,

Hope you are doing well.

As there is no communication on this ticket, I am marking this as completed for the moment.

Feel free to reply back if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,


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