Export story for import on another environment

Guest shared this question 5 years ago


I made a story on our test server and wanted to export it to the accept server but I find it is not possible to export Stories. I see it not mentioned on https://community.yellowfinbi.com/knowledge-base/article/dependencies-that-are-not-included-when-exporting-content as a limitation so I am just wandering if this can not be done or that I am missing something?

Seems to me that you want to develop stories on a development server and then import them on a production server. Or do I have to rebuild on production.

Kind regards,


Replies (9)


Hi JeRoen,

Hope you are well!

yes, Unfortunately exporting a story is not possible within yellowfin...and I understand how this can be frustrating as it is not documented. I will ask that this be updated to include this limitation. The reason why you cannot export and then import stories is because the YF that you are importing into, would need to have all the content thats within the exported story - i.e. reports that have been embedded/ snapshots etc etc...

For now, stories will need to be recreated on production :(

Though if you are looking to export a story to PDF there is a nifty little work around for this! If you go up to print the page of the story in your browser page and then open in PDF, you can then save this :) but....this is not something that can be imported unfortunately :(

Hope this has helped! let me know :)

Best Wishes,



Hello Lesley,

Thanks for your answer.

Can you say if this is something that will be supported in a future version? I would gues the linked content issues can be resolved the same as you do currently when exporting and importing content.

Kind regards,



Honestly, JeReon, I do not believe that this is something that the devs are currently planning on doing.

Though, if you like, I can create an idea on your behalf and submit it to the devs? though i do believe this would be low on their priority list :( However, there's no harm in raising an idea with them! Let me know and i will be happy to do that for you! :)

Thanks & Best Wishes,



Hello Lesley,

Thanks for your honest response.

We try to create a workflow that everything that is put on the production server is first tested/accepted on a test/accept environment. No direct alterations to reports/views/dashboards are allowed on production.

We do this not only for YellowFin but for all the software we build, it's about quality control.

Although I do not understand the reasoning to not have this export/import method applied to Stories (and reference codes also) we will work around it and build the stories on production directly.

If you think it will have a very low priority it is not needed to raise an idea on it.

Kind regards,



No worries, JeRoen!

Apologies that this isn't the response you were hoping for! I completely understand how this can effect workflow and not match up to how everything is currently handled/ expected to work. though you have said not to raise the idea, if you ever decide otherwise, please let me know! Like I said, happy to do so :)

I will go ahead and complete this ticket, but if you do have any further questions, please feel free to reopen! :)

Best Wishes,



Hi Lesley,

I only just realised that exporting a story to yfx wasn't possible. Has there been any movement on this ticket?




Hey Edgar,

I hope you are well!

This question was closed with no further movement due to the idea being very unlikely to be implemented into yellowfin

There are several reasons why the development team are unlikely to add this feature, such as content missing -

Cannot export the bookmarks or snapshots, or report references would need to match exactly, which can differ in separate environments, or comments will disappear

These are just a few of the reasons

If you would still like this raised as an Idea, Let me know and I can still raise it on your behalf :)

Best Wishes,



Hey Edgar,

I am going to go ahead and mark this as answered - but as mentioned in my previous response, if you would still like this raised as an idea, just let me know And I will go ahead and do so!

Best Wishes,



Hi Lesely,

I can see the difficultly here - especially around bookmarks and snapshots. Thanks for the quick response!



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