Export multiple reports on a canvas in Word format

Peter Flinn shared this idea 7 years ago
Idea Logged

If reports in your dashboard are placed in a canvas side by side, you may find there is no 'Word' option for export. Any idea why not?

As a work-around, you can share by email (attachment), THEN you can use a word option - in my case the report appeared quite correctly. I haven't tried filtering it yet, but assume that works just as well.

If one method works well, can this not be the same for the other, Yellowfin?

We're using 7.3 plus.

Replies (3)


Hi Peter,

Nice catch! Off the top of my head I don't know why that option is present on the email section, but not in the 'regular' menu. I'm going to go ahead and raise this internally for our development team to look at and hopefully resolve. For reference, the internal tracking ID is YFN-7059. In the meantime, going the long way through email is going to be the best way to get multichart reports into Word format.

Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any additional questions!




OK thanks Conner. Any idea when this might be implemented?


Hi Peter,

Unfortunately I am unable to provide an ETA, as the task has not yet been assigned to a developer to action. As soon as some fresh info comes across my desk I'll be sure to post an update to you here.



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