Excel export format header row as row 1?

Jess Bugarin shared this idea 5 years ago
Idea Logged

Is there a way to remove the Report Title and Description from the data on the excel tab during excel export? Preferably a global setting?

Right now, I get the report title in row 1, the report description in row two, blank row 3, and then the actual data starts on row 4. I want the tab to be only the data. I want row 1 to be my header row.

I'm on 7.3 Build 20180418. It is a BMC Implementation.

Replies (4)


Hello Jess,

Thanks for reaching out with your question. It would help if you could provide screenshots of what the report you are exporting looks like in excel. Keep in mind this is a public topic, if needed I would be happy to move this to a ticket in-case the data in the screenshot is private and you would like to keep it that way.

I look forward to your response.




Hi, here is a shot of an exported excel file. It's rows 1-3 that I want to remove by default.


Hello Jess,

Currently there is not an option to toggle these at a global level however, there is an option to remove the report title and description per report. While editing a report, navigate to the "Report Formatting button":

Once you are in the "Report Formatting" menu, Navigate to the "Title & Description" drop down and there-within are the options toggle display of the title and description of the report.

After you turn those off you can then export the report from the report builder with the "Export" button:

Once exported and loaded into Excel you should have your desired result as seen below:


Please let me know if this works for you.




Excellent, that worked for both Export and Broadcast.

Is there a way to set this at a global level? We want it off on all reports unless someone intentionally turns it on.


Hello Jess,

Glad to hear the proposed solution worked.

Unfortunately there is currently no way to apply this at a global level.

Please let me know if there is anything else regarding this.




Now that I'm applying this to live reports, this is actually not an ideal solution. I can make it work for a while, but I'd like to have an idea raised to allow this to be adjusted at a per-export-format level.

I don't want the title and header off when the report is used on a Dashboard, or when it is brought up through Browse. The user should be able to see the Title at least when they're viewing the report. But I should still be able to turn them off on the Excel export while having them visible for digital use. Likewise, I might want something different for a PDF than I want for Excel. The easiest way to do this would be to add an "Excel Export" section in the Admin console under Configuration/System where the PDF Export defaults are. Then we can manage this at a global level in a way that doesn't affect the way the reports are used within Smart Reporting in a digital manner.

Can we raise this idea? Does one exist?


Hello Jess,

We have come to the conclusion that you would like your following idea to be raised:

Allow the title and header of reports to be viewable when they are being viewed or when they are being used on a Dashboard while also having the option to hide titles and headers on reports per each export format. For example; I might want something different for a PDF than I want for an Excel export. This could possibly be added to the existing export options within the admin console.

The functionality currently exists to apply this to an individual report but I would like this to be applicable at a global level to any report exported with a specific export format.

I would like to thank you for reaching out with your suggestion. I've logged this as an Idea for an Enhancement Request. Before becoming a request, ideas will be reviewed by our Product Team and chosen for Enhancements based on feasibility, level of positive impact to the user experience, and votes from the community. This post will be updated with any future information relevant to this process.




Thank you! Is there a link to the idea so that I (and anyone else who lands here) can find it easily?


Hello Jess,

I apologize for any confusion regarding this.

What I did was make this post the Idea post for ease. I have added tags as to increase the visibility of this Idea.



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