Dynamic Filter labels for Save To Disk Broadcast

Stephen Van Rooyen shared this idea 3 years ago
Idea Logged

Hi Guys,

We have a customer for whom we had to create 300+ separate save to disk broadcasts.

It would be great if the Dynamic Filters for Email Broadcast was carried through to Save to Disk as well.

If you can apply either filter parameters or table values parameters through for the path and filename and even for the password, that would be a major improvement.




Replies (2)


Hi Stephen,

Thanks for reaching out with your suggestion. I've logged this as an Idea for an Enhancement Request. Before becoming a request, ideas will be reviewed by our Product Team and chosen for Enhancements based on feasibility, level of positive impact to the user experience, and votes from the community. This post will be updated with any future information relevant to this process.




Thanks Neal

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