Dynamic Canvas Sizing in Dashboards

Matt King shared this problem 5 years ago


When viewing dashboards on different-sized screens my dashboards are scaling as expected, but any multi-report canvases within those dashboards do not resize correctly, leading to overlapping objects or expanses of white space.

Is there a way around this? I've had a search through previous topics and the only answer is a "we're working on it" from 2 years ago.



Replies (5)


Hi Matt,

Thanks for reaching out. While "we're working on it" may seem like a cop out, a complete dashboard rewrite is actually coming in version 8.1. The entire dashboard will be laid out similar to the multi-chart canvas, allowing for more flexibility in terms of report placement. That said, I can't confirm whether a multi-chart canvas report will dynamically resize in an undesirable way with this new layout, as I of course haven't been able to test or play around with this yet, but based on how the new Dashboard's are described I don't see why reports would have to be dynamically resized as they won't be forced into pre-defined boxes.

In the mean time, you may be able to improve how your dashboard is displaying by altering the default dashboard width setting in the Administration > Content Settings:





Hi Mike,

Thanks for your reply. I'm extremely reluctant to hardcode the dashboard width given that they might be viewed on a wide variety of aspect ratios, but it's good news that this issue may be completely sidestepped by 8.1

Do you have a rough idea of when 8.1 might be released?


Hi Matt,

Sorry, meant to include that piece of info - 8.1 is currently anticipated to be released towards end of September. I of course understand the reluctance. The best way to know how well it works is to test in a non-prod environment and see how the functionality works for your dashboards and reports. The information Support itself has right now is rather limited, so I can't really speak too much on it.




Hi ,

I just wanted to check in and see if my latest information reached you okay, and if so, if we're okay to close this case out for now, considering.




Hi Matt,

I'm going to go ahead and mark this one as Resolved since I haven't heard back from you, but if you have further questions or concerns on this, if you respond, it will re-open the case and put it back in my queue and I'll be happy to help.



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