Drill Through Hyperlink any Field (Cross tab reports)

Larry Beasley shared this idea 6 years ago
Idea Logged

I would like any field to be a hyperlink not just metric fields. The links can only be the aggregates and not any of the other columns. One of my fields are a date field and the others are aggregates. I want the user to be able to click on the date field for one report and the aggregates for another. My report features a pivot table but I want the user to be able to click on another field so that they can drill to another report or a report that displays all the metrics. In the example, the user would click the metrics like July, August, etc and the drill through report would be based on the month. If they click on Fiscal Year the drill through report would be based on the fiscal year.


This can already be accomplished in a standard report but I'm asking that it be possible in a cross tab report.

Replies (4)


Hi Larry,

Thanks for your feedback and level of detail.

Your suggestion has been logged and we will let you know if there are any future updates.

Hope you enjoy your day and please let us know if there was anything else you were after.




Hi Larry,

Hope you've been well. Unfortunately I've got some bad news on this.

We're not planning on implementing this feature at this point in time.

However if anything changes, I'll let you know.

Please let us know if there was anything else you were after in the meantime.




I'm confused on why this wouldn't be implemented. Crosstabs seem to have limited value in Yellowfin because they lack features like this. I had this working in one of my reports, but now it won't work and I will have to figure out how to make the drill down into a separate report. There are good applications for this. For example, in our situation I want a list of providers and their client cancellation rates for each month. I also want to be able to click on the provider's name to see in the last 90 days, who were their highest cancellation clients. This would be of huge value to us. Please reconsider.


Thanks Claire for the feedback, always appreciated!

The item has been reopened for a re-review by the product team. We will keep you posted on further updates. In the meantime please let me know if there was anything else you were after.

Thanks again, David


I agree. This would be a huge help in developing crosstab reports. "Workarounds" aren't never "works best!"


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