Drill down applying to a joined view when they are not joined on that drilldown

Siim Neljandik shared this problem 6 years ago

I have created a report with an append to the same view. The first one has 2 drill downs and the second one is joined on the first drill down. When I drill on the second drill down, it applies the drill filter to both parts, instead of just applying it to the master query

Replies (4)


Hi Siim,

Thanks for reaching out. We do have a couple logged defects relating to subqueries and drill down, but I'm afraid this isn't quite enough information to confirm whether you're seeing the same issue(s). Can you expand upon what you're experiencing here? Corresponding screenshots explaining the issue and detailing your setup would be helpful. Additional to this, when creating the append subquery, are you using a Basic or Advanced Subquery?




I am using an advanced subquery and joining it only on the 1. column . Column 6 is being pulled from the view and it has a set timeperiod that should not be affected by the second column (Picture 1). However when I drill on the second column it sets the date filter for both queries, forcing it to have both the initial time filter and the filter set by the drilldown (Picture 2).


As a test, I did the same thing with a basic subquery, the same thing happened.


Hi Siim,

Thanks for your response. Since this is so dependent on your setup here, I need as detailed of replication steps as possible to try and replicate this myself to see whether this is actually defective behavior, and if so, make sure it's replicable so I can raise it as a bug. Based on your explanation and screenshots, I can't tell why it would be incorrect for column 6 to be changing.

Can you please explain and send screenshots on how your joins are setup? Using the tutorial Ski Team data, if I set up a column 1 and column 2 both with drill downs, it works as expected:

Drill into Column 1:

Drill into Column 2:


However, I can't join column 2 with column 1 properly, because Year isn't compatible with Text format. If I use the Metric as the Master Query join, then the Sub Query has to become a count aggregation, which would be incorrect. Considering these points:

  • Year and Text are not compatible and can't be joined, so what data type is your column 1? You can find this under Format > Edit > Format
  • Which columns were dragged and dropped in the sub-query, and which are in the main query?
  • What is column 6? Why would it not change if you're changing row values? In most cases, I'd expect drilling down into a hierarchy would change every metric column value in the report.

There are a lot of variables in setting up joins and drill downs so we need to isolate some factors to determine whether this is a YF issue, or an issue with the report setup.




Column 1 is text, something like you had, only that the first level is a total of all the subcategories.

The only column from the sub query is the 6th one, however some of the main query columns use it in calculations (calculated field)

Column 6 is a factor from a set timeframe and as the timeframe in the subquery should always be the same, it does not change on different date rows. If I were to drill in the first column it will be different for those. Let's say you would want the sum invoiced/sum cost(just another metric field) for last 90 days to be a set multiplier for all years/quarters/etc. You would want the multiplier to stay the same wherever you drill on the date field.


Hi Siim,

This is beginning to sound more and more like it's data related. How is column 6's value determined/set-up? Is column 6 itself a calculated field? If so, can I see that formula? If I create a column 6 and just make it 0.77, of course it remains static no matter the drill. So how exactly is column 6 linked to column 1, for example? Since you said it changes when drilling into that column.




Hi Siim,

I just wanted to check in and see how things are going with this.




Hi Siim,

I'm going to go ahead and mark this one as Resolved since I haven't heard back from you in a couple weeks, but if you have further questions or concerns on this, if you respond, it will re-open the case and put it back in my queue and I'll be happy to help.



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