Distance between lines in text boxes in canvas design

Flemming Dahl shared this problem 3 years ago

I find that the line spacing between the lines of text on canvas design does not follow the height of the font

There is an unreasonably large distance between the lines.

Please see attached picture where I have inserted red arrows to mark what I mean. Furthermore, I have added a video where you can see what it looks like in design mode.


Br.Flemming Dahl

Replies (2)


I have found the checkbox "default line spacing" and I have turned this off, which solves the problem.

I do not know how to close the ticket.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi Flemming,

That's great that you were able to solve the issue with the default line spacing setting. I'll go ahead and close the ticket on your behalf.

Enjoy your day!

Kind regards,


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