Disable double-click on chart drill-through

Muhannad Abo Hajia shared this idea 2 years ago
Idea Logged

I'm embedding a dashboard which contains a number of reports using the js api

the reports are using drillthrough with popup option,

when the report is clicked a single click the popup opens correctly as a popup

but when double clicked the drillthrough report replaces the screen of the whole dashboard instead of going for a popup

is there anyway to disable the double click or change it's behavior, I'm not sure if this is the correct behavior

Replies (3)


Hi Muhannad,

Thanks for submitting your idea. Hopefully we can see this implemented in a future version of Yellowfin!

Kind regards,



Hi Chris

Thanks for considering this, but sadly our clients are complaining about the double click because our users are used to (double click = open) behavior, I'm hoping there's a workaround for this until this is fixed in yellowfin.

Thank you


Hi Muhannad,

I did some digging but unfortunately I cannot provide a workaround at this time. On the web, a double-click action isn't a prevailing method of interaction so the best we can do is get it to mimic the behaviour of a single click.

Kind regards,


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