Prevent Running Reports Without Applying Filters

Abhijeet Teli shared this idea 5 years ago
Not Planned

Can we implement a Global Configuration that disables the Auto Refresh of reports?

We would like this to apply to both the Report Builder and while running reports, i.e. clients should have to submit filters before a report runs. Ideally this could have two options.

1. If report is being executed without filters then show Warning popup displaying a message for potential performance hit, User can still bypass the warning and execute the report.

2. Second option will be an error message and user cannot bypass this.

Replies (3)


Hi Abhijeet,

Thanks for reaching out with your Idea. I've logged this for review with our Development team and will keep this post updated with further information as it is available to me. For others wanting similar functionality, the following are some ways to do this with current Yellowfin features:

For report creation, the following current solutions exist:

  1. Disable 'Auto Refresh', the default can be set at the View level and will carry over to all Reports built upon this View.
  2. As you've already discussed, you can add a condition to the View. This one's a bit more niche.

For report viewing:

  1. You can make filters mandatory. This prevents the report from running without providing said filters.




Hi Abhijeet,

This item has been reviewed, and it seems there are a things things to address here, and there won't be a away to address them all in a single task, so we need to pull this apart and really understand the issue, and what options people have right now to get around this.

E.g. You can disable 'Auto-Refresh' on the view, which will carry over the reports.

You can set mandatory filters on a view, so that they need to be included in reports, and will not run unless a value has been selected etc..

If you can help us with a deeper understanding of what has been implemented, and why it's not working, we can re-visit this idea, though for now we don't have any plans to support a 'global wide warning when no filters are used in the report'.



Hi David,

This request was raised in the past based on recommendation provided by our Internal Performance & Scalability Team. This design we need is purely as Preventive Measure which needs to be enforced from global configuration.

The other settings which you described are definitely present and we are aware of those but those settings are at content level which means person who is developing the report/view needs to follow them and of course those will come under best practices. But as product it needs to have some preventive measure to avoid potential performance impact/issues.

Eg; Majority of Remedy customer base has reasonably huge amount of data in the source if they try to hit any report without applying any filter may take longer time to finish because it doesn't have any filters. But for end user this is performance issue, So in this situation if user gets a warning message in advance for missing filters then he/she can prevent running the report blindly. Basically that was the whole idea behind this.

Hope it makes sense, Let me know if you need any further info.




Thanks Abhijeet, yes this does make sense.

So really what you're after is 'Set report/Chart 'Auto-Refresh' at a global level'

This means anytime a user creates content they will not see a preview until they refresh it manually, or hit the toggle on the report itself.

Is that correct?




No David,

That's not we are after, The ask is not at the time of content development. I believe this configuration is already present and we do enabled it OOB,

The requirement is for end user, When someone opens up a report which has user prompt filters available and if user refresh it without filters, Then it should warn the user with message regarding Potential performance impact if they run the report without applying filter values.

Hope it answers your question. Please let me know




Hi Abhijeet,

Thanks for the clarification.

Unfortunately we currently have no plans to support a system wide setting that will display a pop-up when running reports that have filters, that have been omitted.

We think there are multiple options today to fit this requirement, albeit with a bit of extra configuration.

However, in 9.1 we do support dashboards with code-mode and are thinking this could be a possibility.

Would having dashboard level options for this be another alternative? Just checking if I need to investigate this further with the devs (as it will require some code writing, which is well above my skill set).



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