Development of broadcast alert based on dynamic delivery rule

Shaun shared this idea 8 years ago
Idea Logged

Is there a way to set up a broadcast alert where the delivery rule is based on a dynamic number?

For example, currently there might be an alert for if total apples picked is greater than 40 in the previous hour send an alert. Once that threshold is exceeded what we really want to do is make that number the new threshold so if 45 apples were picked in an hour the alert delivery rule would become total apples picked greater than 45 send alert, without manually changing to 45.

Is there any way to achieve something like this currently? Or if not might this be possible in the future?

Replies (8)


Shaun, thanks for the idea. I have moved this over from our old system to the Community so we can share with other users and see if we can gather some votes before we send over to our product team for review. I have also posted this to our internal product team for review. If you want to share this with Dawn please feel free.

Thanks and more soon from our team on this.



Hi Shaun,

Thanks for the feedback.

We think the best way to handle this would be to include the option 'Greater than column' option for delivery rules, and you can then manage a column in your DB which returns the MAX value for the column.

It should be easy to return the max value via the DB, and straight forward for us to include that column logic.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns on this.

The idea has been logged, and will keep you posted on any updates.




Hi All - This might be the best option from a YellowFin community perspective. I agree it would work. In our case we want to know "most apples picked in a rolling hour" (for example) so there really isn't a database column currently we can do a Max on. We will have some work to do on our end to create and manage a relational database field then add to cube but the suggested solution will allow us to use that in an alert once created.


No updates on this as yet Dawn, will keep you posted on any.


Hi David, checking on this one because it's come up again from one of our clients. Is there anything new? Do we know yet if this will eventually make it into Yellowfin?


Hi Dawn,

Sorry no movement on this enhancement as yet.

I'm sure this will eventually make it into a release, but it does really depend on the product team and when they will revisit the broadcast area.

Sorry for the vague answer!




Hi David,

I know that we have a few things on the go at the moment, but this functionality has been raised again internally. Is there any further status update on it?




Hi Shaun,

Unfortunately this has not made it into any product release cycle, and not ETA has been provided.

Sorry for the bad news.



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