Dependent Filters (Parent Filters) with date ranges

Travis shared this problem 7 years ago
Defect Fixed

I am aware of the functionality that allows filters to have a parent such that it creates a hierarchy between them, along with how it can have one list filter another. I am a bit confused by how this works with dates. I am able to select the date filter as a parent, but when I do one of two things typically happen. Either it saves my settings and then when using the report it does not filter. Or When I try to save the filters it hangs up the browser/application. Is this supposed to work with date ranges (Either manually entered, or named rages)? This is pretty important for us since we have quite a few filters that would otherwise provided too many selections to be manageable. Thanks.

Replies (10)


HI Travis,

I am a bit confused as to how you are approaching this. Typically filter hierarchies are set up in a very similar fashion to view level hierarchies, in that there needs to be a sort of one-to-many relationship between the elements:

Group, Name

A, Bob

A, Jill

B, Joe

B, Susie

In a date hierarchy, we can picture this being year to month, or a single date to entries within that date.

Can you elaborate a bit on how you were intending to set this up? Any screenshots you can provide would also be useful in helping me get on the same page. If you are interested we can schedule a time to screen-share so that you can show me in person (I am on US mountain time, so let me know what works best).




Hi Nathan,

The following slightly simplified example explains the concept we are going for:

Two tables in the view model. Table a has a date field on it along with an ID that links it to a second "Code" table.

We setup the first filter as a date range using the date field on table a.

We setup the second filter to be the "Code" description from table b.

On the filters configuration we use the "set parent filter" function to set the first filter (date) to be the parent of the second filter (Code). We turn on "Only values related to the selected parent values will be displayed". It lets us do all of this.

We anticipated that this would make the system only display codes in the filter UI that apply to records in table a that are in the date range selected. It doesn't seem to work. Depending on other filter configurations we make it either does not filter the code list at all, or at times hangs the server when we try to save it.

Not having this in place would cause some users to select the filter from thousands of entries.

I am also in MST time. I would be happy to share a screen if that would help. Please let me know.




Hi Travis,

A screen-share sounds good. Will you be available at 9:15 MST? If not please let me know a time that works for you.




Can you do 11:00 MST?


Hi Travis,

11:00 sounds good. I will attach a link as the time gets closer.




Hi Travis,

Please click the link below whenever you are ready:




It is almost 11:00 here now. Is it 11:00 there too or do we have a daylight savings time discrepancy?


Hi Travis,

In my tests of your pre-defined parent filter problem on older releases, I was not able to get this to work, however looking through our system, it appears that this was already raised as an enhancement and has been completed. This is expected to be included in the upcoming June EOM build.

Additionally, it appears that the default filter value resetting to "omit" issue has been fixed, and will be included in the upcoming release as well.

I will look into the other issues we discussed here over the next couple of days and create tickets for each in your name (so you will receive notifications). In the mean-time I am going to set this ticket to closed.

Let me know if you have any questions on this, or if this issue has not been resolved at the end of the month.




Look forward to it. Thanks.

From: Yellowfin Support []

Sent: June 1, 2017 4:46 PM

To: Travis

Subject: New Comment in "Dependent Filters (Parent Filters) with date ranges"


Hi Travis,

Quick update here, in my tests on the latest build, the issue with default values reverting to "omit" has been fixed.

Pre-defined time periods as the parent for a dependent filter is still marked as completed but appears to have missed the cutoff for the June EOM build and has been pushed back to July EOM.

Let me know if there is anything I can do in the meantime.



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