Delete Draft contents automatically

Kalaiselvan shared this question 6 years ago

Hi Team,

This is regarding with the Draft report that created by the user. The Draft contents will not be deleted automatically unless the user delete the report manually. Is there any option to delete the old draft contents automatically.

For example, If we run any patch program to delete the draft reports which is not used more then specific days (ie. 30 days, 60 days, 90 days etc). This patch to be run automatically and periodically.

Is this future available now? or any plan this in future versions?

If no plan, it would be great if you create this kind of patch program in order to reduce the no of draft/unused reports from the queue to avoid space consumption from the server.

Please advice.



Replies (7)


Hi Kalaiselvan,

No there is no option to delete old draft contents automatically. Please feel free to raise this as an Idea in the Yellowfin Community.

By the way, you could easily do this programmatically yourself by creating a query that searches for ReportHeader.ReportStatusCode = 'DRAFT' and LastModifiedDate = '<insert your preferred date here>' and then changes the status to 'DELETED' (same for ReportView.ViewStatusCode)

And you wouldn't even need to restart Yellowfin after the backend modifications because there are ways to avoid this as described in this Knowledge Base article.

(Having said that, please remember that officially we do not support backend modifications to the Yellowfin configuration database).




Hi David,

Thanks for your response. Yes, it would be good to raise an idea. As you mentioned, i prefer this program to be in separate function, mean not changing anything in the background.

Regarding the program that you mentioned, if i run the program (changing the status to Deleted) will it be delete the report and removed the contents from queue, mean the specific content will no longer in Yellowfin. Also, could you please advice how to create this query (maybe in short video)?

Can i raise an idea separately or this can be convert to an idea?




Hi Kalaiselvan,

no worries, I have raised the new Idea on your behalf using your description within this Question. Its ID is 9757.

Regarding your question about what will happen if you change the status to Deleted...yes, you will no longer see the report in Yellowfin.

As requested, I have made and attached a short video to demonstrate this to you.

Please be aware, you will see in the video that I just ran an UPDATE query against the Yellowfin database, so obviously depending on which type of DBMS you are using you can create a job that would regularly run that query. However, you could also do this programmatically via Yellowfin's powerful feature Web Services because there is a web service called METADATASQLQUERY which allows you to directly query the Yellowfin configuration database. I have attached an example of how to write a JSP that uses the web service, all you have to do is to change the host and port on line 28 to that of your Yellowfin, and also the user and password on lines 30 & 31

I hope that helps you with your cleanup.




Hi David,

Thanks for your support & response.

I will test this program with my support team. Thanks again for your input.

I will let you know if any questions. I will followup with that Idea.




no worries Kalaiselvan, anytime!


Hi David,

Is this feature available now?

Can the draft reports get deleted automatically?




Hi Aruna,

I hope all is well,

I'm going to go ahead and mark this ticket as Answered as I can see this question has also been raised within our idea ticket here. Further communication can be held there with Lesley. I hope this is ok and have a great week ahead.



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