Decent Import Process

Mark Whitehead shared this idea 7 years ago
Idea Logged

Just want a simple process to Import New and Updated Content that allows for SIMPLE ADD if NEW and REPLACE if EXISTS

Replies (1)


Hey Mark,

Thanks for getting in touch about this, and apologies for the lack of attention this has gotten so far! Quick question, what version of Yellowfin are you running? I ask because of the Import/Export overhaul that took place for 7.3+, and I'm wondering if you've had the chance to take a look at it. The UI itself has improved a lot, and the 7.3+ importer has a handful of new features that sound like they may suit your needs.

If you could let me know what version you're on so I can shape this Idea better, that would be great. Thanks!




Hi there

Thanks for the reply

I was specifically talking about 7.3+ actually

Perhaps you can point me to some documentation regarding the new Import Process and its updated Features?


Sure thing, Mark,

I would start out here if you haven't already, and read into the 'Import Process' and 'Export Process' child pages.

It kind of sounds like some of the newer features on the 'Custom' import section may be what you're after. If this isn't the case, please let me know and we can start narrowing down exactly what else you want to see added to the Export/Import module.




Hi Mark,

Just a quick follow up here ti see if you were able to take a look at some of that documentation. If so, do you have any further questions?




Hi there Conner

Apologies for not replying earlier

I will read the documentation and get back to you ASAP

If I have any further questions I will post here


Hey Mark,

No worries! I was only following up to make sure that I didn't miss something from you. Take all the time you need :)



The only thing I would like to see is the ability to globally match (or unmatch) linked content and have the reflected on the main screen rather than having to click each object - similar to this script (which was written by one of the YF team for us some time ago)


Hi Mark,

I do see there's a way to match linked content, but the limitations are that it does not auto-link and second, that this applies to Adding new content only, and not replacing.


If my understanding is correct, what you're looking for is for, as per my example above, this to be linked automatically, rather than clicking and choosing each data source, folder and sub-folder. Would this be the enhancement you're looking for?




Hi Mike - not quite - I more want that to be all in the main screen - rather than as a seperate tab

Similar to this


This is what the previous attached JSP provided (this was written by someone at YF) - having something like this with an easier method to choose whether to Add/Replace/Skip for each row and for all rows - plus the required Add or Replace information (similar to the screen you provided above) - all in one screen

I hope that makes sense


Hi Mark,

I kind of feel this may be a long shot - especially considering there essentially appears to be a way to achieve this via Web Services, as indicated here, but I suppose there's no harm in logging an enhancement request and seeing what the dev team has to say on this. As such, I've gone ahead and logged this.

Any potential updates regarding this matter will be posted here.



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