Data Transformation - Warn when discarding SQL changes

Stephen Johnson shared this idea 6 years ago

When you use a freehand SQL data entry in the Data Transformation module, you have the option to edit your SQL statement:


This edit button opens a pop-up window with options to change your SQL, validate it, and submit it:


Once you have clicked the Submit button for your changes, you then HAVE TO PRESS THE YELLOW "Apply" button for your changes to be saved:


Submit may sound like your changes have been saved but they have not. If you click on another element in your data transformation flow without clicking the yellow 'Apply' button, your changes will be discarded without telling you.

I think the data transformations module would be improved if it would give the user a warning if they are navigating away from unsaved changes. Alternatively, the blue 'Submit' button on the edit dialogue could save the changes, since why would the user want to Submit changes and not save them? Why does Yellowfin make us press two buttons to save changes?

Replies (1)


Hi Stephen,

sorry for the delay in this.

With regards to your question, YF has had this feature since becoming available, and the developers are mainly focusing on bugs in the software as a priority. The way this is designed its made for review of your freehand SQL by submitting and then saving once you hit apply.

i understand completely how it can be an annoying feature as it can lead to unsaved SQL to be accidentally deleted, but as that can be easily resolved it wont be enhanced in the near future from what i got after discussing this issue with a developer.

I'm sorry this has been an inconvenience for you and i truly hope it doesn't affect your yellowfin experience!

Best wishes,


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